Supporting Disaster Recovery in Guatemala
(Photo: AP) El Rodeo, a small community to the north of Volcan de Fuego, covered in ash.
For each bag of our Guatemalan coffee that you buy this month, we will donate $1 to Guatemala's recovery from the massive volcano eruption (Volcan de Fuego) that buried a village and affected nearly 2 million people on June 3.
These funds will support local efforts to distribute water filters, stoves and new homes, organized through GoFundMe. Filters and stoves will be distributed in affected schools and homes by Enlace AC Guatemala and the International Esperanza Project. The construction of the new homes will be organized by a local team from Asociación Bendición de Dios Organization.
According to the Washington Post: “The reported death toll in Guatemala has risen to 62... after a volcano erupted with no warning [on June 3], sending hot rivers of rock and gas into the surrounding villages at astonishing speed.” Recovery efforts that extend beyond the immediate event are increasingly important.
We are using our Guatemalan coffee to support the people who lost their homes and families. The coffee was grown by the Kishe community, a farmer’s co-op in the Western Highlands of Guatemala that was not directly affected by the eruption.