farmer Sergio J. Dias & Anita Dias Stiansen
origin Carmo de Minas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 950-1100m
variety Yellow Catucai
process Natural / Decaf
tasting notes Grapefruit, brown sugar and almond
roast level medium
about Sergio’s unceasing entrepreneurship includes buying back the farm that once belonged to his grandfather to grow specialty coffee and building an importing business that gives farmers in his community more power and value for their crop.
powering Creating a positive and sustainable environment for the worker and farmers, where we all can grow and prosper.
“Your support is fully appreciated by our family and our workers.”
Sergio is most in his element on his farm. There, the creative instincts that gave rise to multiple business ventures play out all over the place—they’re in the myriad experiments being conducted on the white canvas of his drying patio, and the old dairy farming infrastructure for which he knows he can find a new purpose. They’re in that secret microlot he’s pointing to on that middle hill over there, and the planning that led to the survival of those ventures is evident when he starts describing what we can expect in three, five, and ten years.
Read Scott's full profile on Sergio in Fresh Cup Magazine