Carlos took extra care with this anaerobic coffee, storing the cherry in the bags for 24 hours before depulping to 'black honey' level and drying on beds. The result is exceptional notes of red grape, starfruit, milk chocolate.
farmer Carlos Pola
origin Juayúa, Sonsonate, El Salvador, 1200 – 1550m
variety Catisic
process Anaerobic
tasting notes Red grape, starfruit, milk chocolate
roast level light
about Carlos Pola family has been involved in coffee for five generations.
powering Carlos supports his community by organizing a yearly auction to promote specialty coffees from Salvadoran farmers
"Sustainable specialty coffee production: saving the planet one cup at a time."
Carlos Pola
Carlos Pola family has been involved in coffee for five generations. He worked +20 years in the textile industry. In 2012 he switched careers and started working full time in coffee. His vision is to produce sustainable specialty coffee by applying sustainable practices and his experience in quality control, efficiency and data management from the textile industry.
The farms were renovated in 2012 cultivating coffee in a dramatically new, sustainable and cost-effective manner. By planting in double rows and straight contour lines, planting inga nitrogen fixation shade trees and propagating mycorrhiza (fungi that exchange nutrients with coffee trees), the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers has been substantially reduced, while increasing productivity and quality.
In order to reduce water consumption, only honeys, naturals and controlled fermentations coffees are processed. Wet process water is treated with enzymes and bio digesters, then anaerobically fermented to separate sugars, then oxygenated and finally used to feed and propagate mycorrhiza. All coffee is dried in African beds on site at an altitude of 1200 masl.
The farm has its own wet/dry processing facilities and lab for experimenting with new processing methods, quality control and educating farm workers. Carlos supports his community by helping farmers and organizes a yearly auction to promote specialty coffees.